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Intended for: IT decision-makers, procurement professionals, CIOs, Company Admins |
In this short guide, you will learn the steps to transfer an existing Microsoft CSP subscription to AppDirect. This process involves moving a Microsoft subscription, such as Office 365 or Azure, from one Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) partner to another—specifically, to AppDirect in this case. It’s similar to switching phone carriers—and our team will guide you throughout the process!
As a prerequisite, you will need an active Microsoft subscription from another CSP partner that you are looking to transfer to AppDirect.
Next steps:
- You may already be in touch with one of our specialists. If not, contact our team to kick off the process of transferring your existing Microsoft subscriptions. You will be asked to share, via screenshot or screen sharing, the following items:
- Microsoft Global Admin (First and Last Name)
- Microsoft Global Admin Email
- Current CSP Partner Name.
- Please note that in this context, we are referring to the organization distributing your licenses.
- Current CSP Partner Microsoft ID
- You will need to notify your incumbent CSP partner that you are seeking to move your service and that you need their CSP Microsoft ID.
Please note that all licensing will transfer and will keep the same term date for renewal.
- A Marketplace quote will be created and sent for your approval. Please note that even after you’ve approved our quote, our team will not proceed until we’ve received confirmation from the incumbent partner that they’ve approved the transfer request. This is because we need them to release the relevant licenses beforehand.
- Need help? Our team is here to assist you with any inquiries related to the AppDirect Marketplace. Should you have any questions, please contact us at
- Why does my current CSP partner need to approve this?
Per Microsoft, partner transfers can only occur if both the source (current/existing) and target (new/future) partner approve it. Customers don't initiate the transfer process; instead, their target partner does. Partners are under no obligation to approve or send transfer requests.
- How long do we have to complete this request?
Transfer requests are only active for 30 days. They will expire on their own. Our team can send another request if need be.
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